At Tampere University of Applied Sciences teachers are provided with a many tools and types of assistance for online teaching and assessment. The guidelines are reviewed regularly and kept up to date to help teachers, for example, to select online assessment tools that meet their needs.
Good practices
Digital tools for teaching
Tampere universities and Tampere University of Applied Sciences provide teachers and other staff members with the range of digital tools, which can be used for teaching, learning, and assessment. The tools can be divided into three categories: 1. presentations, materials, sharing information; 2. learning environments and tools and 3. assessment, feedback, and demonstration on learning.
The users are helped to select a proper tool through a variety of questions e.g., how will students be required to demonstrate their learning? What working methods could be used to limit the number of written assignments at the same time ensuring that students can demonstrate their learning and achieve the learning outcomes?
The section of assessment, feedback and demonstration on learning includes three parts. These are 1. taking exams, 2. assignments and 3. supporting progress. Each part includes examples of tools that are described. In the section of ‘taking exams’, for example, Exam, Moodle: Quiz and O365: Forms are given as examples. These all include suggestions for utilization. Forms, for example, is a tool for creating quizzes, assignments, and feedback surveys. In addition to this more general description, teachers are provided with more detailed instructions i.e., a separate link to the Digital toolkit.
The digimentor network
Across Tampere universities (Tampere University and Tampere University of Applied Sciences. digitalisation is promoted by a peer support network of digimentors. They not only encourage to utilize digitalization but also offer support for the use of digital tools as well as distribute good practices. Digimentors are teachers from the faculties and schools they work in. They have pedagogical knowledge in their field and are accessible for their colleagues.
Teaching and Learning Centre
The Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) of the Tampere Universities community is a network that brings together pedagogical expertise and the information and services needed by teachers including e.g., feedback and (online) assessment.